Publications de Bruno Mermet depuis son arrivée en Normandie
- 2009
- B. MERMET, G. SIMON, GDT4MAS: an extension of the GDT model to specify and to verify MultiAgent Systems, 8 pages, AAMAS 2009.
- G. SIMON, B. MERMET, Spécifier des agents composés d'agents avec les GDTs, 10 pages, JFSMA 2009.
- B. MERMET, G. SIMON, Specifying Recursive Agents with GDTs, JAAMAS, To appear.
- 2008
- MERMET B., SIMON G. ZANUTTINI B., SAVAL A., Specifying and Verifying a MAS: the Robots on Mars Case Study, ProMAS 2007 post-proceedings, LNAI vol. 4908, 2008.
- 2007
- MERMET B., SIMON G., ZANUTTINI B., SAVAL A., Specifying, Verifying an Implementing a MAS: a case study, PROMAS 2007, 16 pages.
- FOURNIER D., SIMON G. MERMET B., A Dynamic Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Objects, Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2007, 11th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases
September 17 - 21, 2007, Varsovia, Poland, LNCS Vol. 4702, pages 422-429.
- SIMON G., FOURNIER D., MERMET B, Vers un algorithme multi-agents de clustering dynamique, EGC 2007, poster.
- SIMON G., FOURNIER D., MERMET B., Un algorithme multi-agents de clustering dynamique pour des données mobiles, Atelier "Flux de Données" EGC 2007, 10 pages.
- 2006
- FLOURET M., SIMON G., MERMET B, Implanter des comportements d'agents prouvés via des automates, Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'06), Tours (France), janvier 2006, 9 pages.
- MERMET B., FOURNIER D., SIMON G., An agent compositional proof system, Froma Agent Theory to Agent Implementation (AT2AI'06), Vienne (Autriche), avril 2006, 6 pages.
- SIMON G., MERMET B., FOURNIER D., Goal Decomposition Tree: An Agent Model to Generate a Validated Agent Behaviour, Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies III: Third International Workshop, DALT 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 25, 2005, Selected and Revised Papers, Editors: Matteo Baldoni, Ulle Endriss, Andrea Omicini, Paolo Torroni, LNCS n° 3904, pp 124-140, 2006.
- 2005
- [SIM, 05] SIMON G., MERMET B., FOURNIER D., FLOURET M., Specifying, Validating and Generating an Agent Behaviour Using a Goal Decomposition Tree, Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT'05), Utrecht (Pays-Bas), juillet 2005, 16 pages
- [FOUR, 05] FOURNIER D., MERMET B., SIMON G., A compositional proof system for agent behaviour, Safety and Security in Multi-Agents Systems (SASEMAS'05), Utrecht (Pays-Bas), juillet 2005, 5 pages
- 2004
- [BEN,04z] BENIER A., SALLE M., MERMET B. : "Two
theoretic-decision approaches for crisis handling in robocup rescue";
IEEE Complex Systems Intelligence and Modern Technological
Applications, Cherbourg, France, Septembre 2004; 6 p. (2004)
- [MER,04u] MERON D., MERMET B., SIMON G., SAUVAGE S. : "Specifying
properties of MAS: towards "on the fly" debugging architecture";
Safety And SEcurity in MultiAgent Systems (SASEMAS'04), New York,
juillet 2004; 13 p en CD-ROM (2004)
- [MER,04v] MERMET B., FOURNIER D. : "Variant extensions to prove
MAS behaviours"; Artificial Intelligence : Methodologies, Systems and
Applications (AIMSA'04), LNAI n° 3192, Bulgarie, septembre 2004; pp
409-419 (2004)
S. : "Preventing from crisis situations thanks to multiagent
systems"; Complex Systems Intelligence and Modern Technological
Applications, Cherbourg, France, Septembre 2004; 6 p. (2004)
- [MER,04y] MERMET B., FOURNIER D. : "Variant Extensions to Prove
MAS Behaviours"; AIMSA 2004, The Eleventh International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3192, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg; pp
409-419 (2004)
method to increase traceability in MAS development"; Post Proceedings
of First International Workshop PROMAS 2003 (Selected and Revised
Papers), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3067,
Springer-Verlag; pp 201-220 (2004)
- 2003
the SPACE model to help to implements agents"; proceedings of ISMIS
2003, Foundations of Intelligent Systems, 14th International
Symposium, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 2871,
Springer-Verlag Heidelberg; pp 221-225 (2003)
- [MER,03y] MERMET B. : "Collaborations dynamiques dans un SMA"; Modèles Formels de l'Interaction (MFI'03), Lille, France, mai 2003; pp 17-22 (2003)
the problem to the implementation: a method associated to a model to
design Multi-Agent Systems"; PROgramming MultiAgent Systems (PROMAS
2003, AAMAS Workshop), Melbourne, Australie, juillet 2003; 10 p non
paginées (2003)
- 2002
- [FLO,02z] FLOURET M., SIMON G., MERMET B. : "Vers une
méthodologie de développement de SMA adaptés aux problèmes
d'optimisation"; Journées Francophones IAD et SMA (JFIAFSM'02),
Lille, France, octobre 2002; 3 pages (2002) (résumé, ps)
- [MER,02y] MERMET B. : "Formal Model of a Multiagent System";
European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, From Agent
Theory to Agent Implementation, Vienne (Autriche); pp 653-658 (2002) (abstract, ps)
- [MER,02z] MERMET B., SIMON G., FLOURET M. : "A multi-agents
approach for a graph colouring problem"; SCI 2002, Orlando (USA); 6 p
en CD-ROM (2002) (abstract, ps)
- [SIM,02z] SIMON G., FLOURET M., MERMET B. : "A Methodology to
solve optimisation problems with MAS - application to the graph
colouring problem"; 10th international conference on Artificial
Intelligence :Methodology, Systems, Applications (AIMSA 2002), Varna
(Bulgaria), LNAI n°2443; pp 162-172 (2002) (abstract, ps)