Publications about GDT
- methodology
- A methodology to solve
optimisation problems with MAS; application to the the
graph colouring problem, G. Simon, M. Flouret,
B. Mermet, AIMSA 2002.
- Vers une méthodologie
de développement de SMA adaptés aux problèmes
d'optimisation", M. Flouret, B. Mermet, G. Simon,
- A multi-agents approach
for a graph colouring problem, B. Mermet, G. Simon,
M. Flouret, SCI 2002.
- The preliminary SPACE model
- Using the SPACE intermediate
model to help to implement agents, D. Fournier,
B. Mermet, G. Simon, M. Flouret, ISMIS 2003.
- From the problem to the
implementation: a method associated to a model to design
Multi-Agent Systems, B. Mermet, G. Simon, D. Fournier,
ProMAS 2003.
- SPACE: a method to
increase tracability in MAS development, B. Mermet,
G. Simon, D. Fournier, M. Flouret, ProMAS post-proceedings
- Goal Decomposition Trees
- Behaviour Model
- Specifying, Validating and Generating
an Agent Behaviour Using a Goal
Decomposition Tree, G. Simon, B. Mermet,
D. Fournier, M. Flouret, DALT 2005.
- Goal
Decomposition Tree: an agent model to
generate a validated agent behaviour,
G. Simon, B. Mermet, D. Fournier, DALT
post-proceedings, 2006.
- Proof process
- A compositional proof system for agent
behaviour, D. Fournier, B. Mermet,
G. Simon, SASEMAS 2005.
- An agent
Compositional Proof System, B. Mermet,
D. Fournier, G. Simon, AT2AI 2006.
- Specifying, Verifying and Implementing a MAS: a case Study, B. Mermet, G. Simon, B. Zanuttini, A. Saval, PROMAS 2007. (companion paper: The whole proof)
- Implementation Model
- Foundations
- GDT4MAS and Recursive/Holonic Agents
- Specifying and Verifying Holonic Agents with GDT4MAS, B. Mermet and G. Simon, IJAOSE, 20 pages, to appear (Case study)
Contact: Bruno Mermet